We provide comprehensive IT services through our highly experienced professionals.

Customer service

Veritech stands out from other organizations in its ability to offer a comprehensive range of high-quality services. Our team conducts a thorough analysis of our clients' operational characteristics, providing tailored advice and system configuration to suit their needs. We offer a wide range of services, including implementation, training, support, consulting, and hardware solutions, all geared towards optimizing the use of the Veritech ERP system. We are committed to delivering exceptional service and ensuring our clients achieve the full benefits of our solutions.

Implementation and training

The implementation service period starts from the time of the decision to use Veritech ERP software, and the implementation service period begins, and the professional team works together until the successful introduction of the system by creating a detailed implementation plan.It includes:
  • Create an implementation plan.
  • Prepare the data according to the model.
  • Perform data conversion.
  • Implement the solution in user's workflow.
  • Provide ongoing support and assistance.

Implementation, training

Veritech ERP solution has been implemented and the service period starts from the time of installation, and continues until the completion of the service. Our team of professionals work together to successfully implement the system and provide technical support throughout the service period.
It contains:
  • Prepare the implementation plan
  • Organize data according to the template
  • Data conversion
  • Collaborate on training/joint training sessions
  • Collaborate to resolve any issues or discrepancies related to data input, including initial balance information and other relevant details, until the system operates smoothly and without problems
  • Collaborate on optimizing system usage
  • Provide support with customer service inquiries (via helpdesk)
  • Send email updates on a weekly basis, including progress reports and results
  • Provide visual aids and training materials (e.g. pamphlets, instructional videos) during login sessions

Exceptional service

The Veritech ERP system is regularly enhanced and updated with new features that are available to all customers without any limitations. The system's flexible architecture provides a range of customized supplementary services to match your business needs, empowering you to choose and use the services that best fit your requirements.
  • Resolve issues in a timely manner related to the field of expertise, streamline and optimize the work process in the system, and provide solutions.
  • Inform about newly implemented improvements in a timely manner.
  • Even if you need to obtain all the information related to your business activities, you can easily access it. Therefore, we offer you the opportunity to implement the best practices, gain valuable insights, and maintain a sustainable relationship.
  • The system provides opportunities for improving productivity and expanding knowledge.
  • The HELPDESK provides assistance to users, answering their questions related to program updates and other issues, and helps improve customer satisfaction by providing training and guidance on daily workflow. We offer the following services:
    • Register any issues with the helpdesk and receive timely assistance to resolve your issues;
    • Provide suggestions for improving the implementation of the system;
    • Professional staff with expertise are available to provide guidance and advice;
    • Collaborate with other organizations with similar professional backgrounds to share experiences and insights, and facilitate knowledge transfer;
    • Investigate errors and problems that may occur in user software and provide assistance through remote support, video tutorials, and other means;
    • Provide support and assistance from remote locations;

Continuos improvement

We use a platform built on a modular structure that is designed to provide our customers with all the necessary tools to improve their business performance. Our platform allows for continuous improvement of business processes, unit processes, and workflows to ensure that our customers achieve the best possible results. We utilize state-of-the-art technology, platforms, and process modeling to deliver tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of our customers and help them excel in their respective fields. Our ultimate goal is to provide a comprehensive solution that optimizes our customers' business processes and achieves maximum efficiency.

Exceptional service

Veritech ERP is a comprehensive system that provides seamless integration and allows for continuous updates, offering its customers unlimited possibilities without restrictions. With a user-friendly interface, the system provides all types of additional services that can be tailored to your work needs. Thanks to its flexible implementation, the system allows for the provision of additional services that you may need to use. Veritech ERP strives to provide excellent customer service, and our team is always ready to provide you with the necessary support and assistance.